Workers’ Compensation Quote Request Workers' Compensation Quote Request Business Information Entity Name: DBA (if applicable): Type of Entity: Individual Corporation Partnership LLC Other: Work Place Address: City: State: Zip: Mailing Address: Different From Work Place Address Mailing Address: Mailing City: Mailing State: Mailing Zip: Contact Person: Phone: Email: Fax: Payroll Information Estimated annual payroll for employees only, not owners or officers. List each class code separately. Class Code: Job Description: Annual Payroll: # of Employees: Class Code2: Job Description2: Annual Payroll2: Number of Employees2: Class Code3: Job Description3: Annual Payroll3: Number of Employees3: Additional Information Business Description: In Business Since: Employer Federal ID: Present Insurer: Policy Number: Expires On: Number of Workers' Comp Claims: (In the last four years) Ownership Information Non-Profits: Please List Board Members. Name: Title: % of Ownership: Excluded: Yes No Name2: Title2: % of Owner2: Excluded2: Yes No Name3: Title3: % of Owner3: Excluded3: Yes No